
Friday, 23 August 2013

S09E05 - A Conventional Episode

Two conventions this week - the Hague and the Refugee.  You can listen here.

Jonathan Holt and Dan Bunting discuss s.31 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 which gives special criminal defences to asylum seekers.

You can follow Dan and his musings at Dan Bunting a life in the bus lane.  uk criminal law blog and of course, on the Twitter @danbunting.

The case that sparked the discussion is here

Then we go on to discuss In the Matter of an application by Her Majesty's Solicitor General for the committal to prison of Jennifer Marie Jones for alleged contempt of court.  A case which highlights the need for precision when drafting an order with a penal notice. 

It considers whether you commit a breach if you fail to do something after the time you ought to have done it, why you need to tell someone to do something by four days after you want it doing and revisits who can bring contempt proceedings.  It's a very good place to start if you ever need to research contempt!

Cake and Bourbon Show next week - don't miss it!


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