
Friday, 1 November 2013

S10E03 - All Trick, No Treat

No Kirstin this week as she is being bombarded by trick or treaters but Ben’s back and Jonathan is here as always.

Have a listen to this week’s show for a pretty comprehensive round-up of the big stories that have been in the legal news this week.

Whether it’s TV cameras in the Court of Appeal, the Home Office on the fiddle (allegedly!), another bloody-nose for Failing Grayling or the Government getting a ticking-off for spending your money on pointless legal challenges, it’s all here.

In addition, we have a bit of an update on where “joint enterprise” and victim impact statements are up to.

Home Office Fixing of Asylum Figures

Grayling on the ropes - his offer to VHCC counsel and the flat rejection of it by the CBA and the Fraud Solicitors group.

Interesting cases round-up in crime
Bristow [2013] EWCA Crim 1540 - Joint enterprise - Manslaughter
Harrod [2013] EWCA Crim 1750  - drugs - supply - death - views of victims NOT decisive.
BUT victim focus might shift after 29th October’s Victims Code  - in force from December 2013

Report from unannounced visit to Yarl’s Wood IRC - to be published soon.


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