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And now, on with the show notes:
When can the Attorney-General have the CA review a sentence?
We often talk of defence appeals but if the AG thinks that a sentence is passed he can refer it to the CA (with leave) but only in some cases.
What are they? - The Criminal Justice Act 1988 (Reviews of Sentencing) Order 2006 amending Part IV of the CJA 1988.
Recent addition? - CJA 1988 (Reviews of Sentencing)(Amendments) Order 2014 {IN FORCE 21st July but laid before Parliament today}
Thoughts on why we have that system? Is it only sentences or can the Crown have another pop at conviction when they fail the first time?
Why only certain offences?
Searching questions
Experts and their duties
The BBC’s Panorama recently covered the behaviour of expert witnesses to criminal proceedings.
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